Through our community’s central fundraising initiative, we have the opportunity to increase the base of funding to the programs and services on which thousands of community members rely, and to fund new initiatives that are needed but are not yet funded. The Federation Annual Campaign provides stable and predictable funding for the work of our partner agencies, and for community-wide initiatives like security and emergency preparedness. The growth of the Federation Annual Campaign, year after year, is key to achieving community sustainability.
2020 Allocations Goals:
2015 Campaign: $8.3 Million
Jewish Federation works with donors throughout the year to connect them with special giving opportunities to enable our community either to pilot new programs and services or sustain existing programs. These opportunities provide key ways to engage donors in projects of particular interest to them, while launching new initiatives like PJ Library and developing community assets like Beit Vancouver in our partnership region. Expanding these opportunities for donors is an important way we can be flexible in our approach to addressing emerging community needs.
The Jewish Community Foundation plays an important role in the long term financial health of our community, and enjoys the well-deserved reputation of being the trusted, central address for legacy giving in our Jewish community. Funds managed by the Foundation are invested based on the requirements of preservation of capital, liquidity and yield. Growing the assets managed by the Foundation will provide our community with vital resources to respond to new and emerging needs, and a stable source of funding for generations to come.
Assets of $46 million as of March 31, 2016